Grove Base for ESPr Developer

A bridge between the Grove family by the Seeed Studio and ESPr Developer by the Switch Science.

Grove Base for ESPr Developer

Grove Base for ESPr Developer with Grove Modules

Bill of Materials

Part/Designator Manufacture Part Number/Seeed SKU Quantity
J1,J2,J3,J4 Seeed SKU: 320110033 4
JP1 Digi-Key: S9200-ND 2
R1 Digi-Key: P220KDBCT-ND 1
R2 Digi-Key: P100KDBCT-ND 1

Compatible Grove Modules

How to 'compile'?

Place an order at the Fusion PCBA prototype service.

License Information

This design document is licensed by Shigeru Kobayashi under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.