
the command `list` doesn't work

mixua opened this issue · 2 comments

mixua commented

I just found an issue, please fix it if it not so huge dial.
docker run -t --rm -e quay.io -e $QUAY_API_TOKEN quay.io/koudaiii/qucli:latest list $QUAY_ORG --is-public=true

err: Get https://b1a1d6f3d652/api/v1/repository?namespace=QUAY_ORG&public=true: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

Thank you for the feedback 👍
Sorry, I’ll check it 🤔

if run qucli in a container, qucli use HOSTNAME of a container. This is a bug of qucli. qucli should use https://quay,io/ in default(If you want to specify, use --hostname or QUAY_HOSTNAME).

Fix https://github.com/koudaiii/qucli/releases/tag/v0.6.6