
ES search template support

Closed this issue · 4 comments

first of all - thank you very much for making search better :)
Question: are you planning to extend nboost by adding support for search templates? E.g. a query could look like:

  "id": "searchTemplate",
  "params": {
    "query": "my query",
    "from": 0,
    "size": 9


Thanks! We don't have plans for search templates yet. Currently the codex auto-detects the field from the query as per #16. It uses this field to rerank search candidates when the Elasticsearch returns. So maybe could be solved by having a default field?

yes, it's possible to specify the search field, but Nboost would not be able to re-write the size parameter to fetch more results, would it?

It seems like it would be relatively straightforward to re-write the size parameter, I'll add this to TODOs for the next release.

I just added support for dynamically selecting fields to rerank. You can use the --query_path to dynamically select the query field. This works via jsonpath. For example, you would use nboost --query_path body.params.query for you case.