
After running nboost service where does this pt-tinybert-msmarco model gets saved?

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When I run nboost service on command line by using

nboost --uhost localhost --uport 9200 ,

I can see by default it downloads 'pt-tinybert-msmarco' model. If we want to use other mentioned models, need to specify that model name using

nboost --model_dir bert-base-uncased-msmarco --uhost localhost --uport 9200

and it downloads and use the model.

As it mentioned in benchmark table models directory is : nboost/<model_name>

But when I got to nboost directory, I don't see any models downloaded there.

So, where does these models gets strored? So that I can copy these models manually to my remote machine as network access is restricted over there. Please help me out here?