
Any pretrained weight?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for sharing great work.

is there any plans to share pretrained weight??

Thank you for your interest in our work.

As you might have seen from the paper, we have run each of our experiment 5 times and report the average scores.
So naturally, the combined number of weight files across all the experiments is a lot and takes up a lot of storage. Hence, we currently haven't uploaded our weight files.

We'll be looking into an efficient solution for uploading the weight files.

do you have any updates on pretrained weights? @koushiksrivats

Hi @koushiksrivats ,

If storage is the only problem for sharing weights with community, I could provide you a space on my google drive where you could upload it for free.

Please let us know if this is feasible for you, sharing the pretrained weights would help community a lot.

Thank you.

Hi @PetrDvoracek

Thank you for your generous offer to provide free storage.

Certainly as mentioned in this response uploading weight files for all the trained models (7 experiments (M-C-I-O-W-C-S) x 5 runs (per experiment) x 2 settings (0-shot and 5-shot) = 70 models] was the initial challenge.

However, the primary issue now is that I do not have access to the machine I used to train these models. Hence as mentioned in this issue, I am arranging the weight files (training from my end) for the 7 experiments in 0-shot setting and will upload the checkpoints corresponding to the best runs (for each of the 7 experiments) in a few days.

@LeeKyungwook @TranThanh96 I will reopen this issue and I shall update once the checkpoints are uploaded.

Thanks for your understanding.

Hi @LeeKyungwook @TranThanh96 @PetrDvoracek

The checkpoint files for M-C-I-O-W-C-S, for both the 0-shot and 5-shot settings, can be found here in model zoo.