
Standalone installer\portable version

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Create standalone executables that will have no requirements for targeted OS.

Ability to download the utility for python users from pip is one of the advantages of current solution, but it doesn't feel like native application for desktop users.

Because of problems with PyInstaller and py2exe I decided to write it with Qt because of support of clipboard and ability to render *.svg. To make *.svg I decided to use nayuki/QR-Code-generator

Deploying to 3 major platforms:

  1. X11 Platforms
  2. Windows
  3. macOS

required, but help with macOS is needed.

Debian Stretch sqrc.zip

Linked with static Qt library. Should now run without any external dependencies sqrc-static.zip

Both of those error out with ./sqrc: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version Qt_5.12' not found (required by ./sqrc)`.

@drhayes yes. There is one more problem I have figured out few hours ago. It is about Cmake support of Qt's static build.

You may find out more about this in the qt's developers mailing list

TL;DR: do not use Cmake to build your project with static Qt, use qmake ONLY.

I have already done everything I just need to commit changes and to release both win and linux versions.

Regular linux executable sqrc-qt.gz
UPX compressed linux executable sqrc-qt-upx.gz
Windows executable sqrc-qt.zip

Sad news. Linux executables depends on following shared libraries. Make sure that your version is ABI compatible.

libicui18n.so.57 => not found
       libicuuc.so.57 => not found
       libicudata.so.57 => not found

Good news is that we have AppImage and I'm starting research in its direction.

Very first linux AppImage available: SQRC-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz

Epic fail: I have missed electron "clone" somehow. No need to continue this project.