
import own package

ramboza opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi !

just one note

if you have import your package inside of your sources, then manul tried to vendor it again.

my package is github.com/demo/abc

inside of main.go i have something like that

package main

import (
        jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"

and I'll try to run manul -I
then, my package will be 'vendored' inside of my package

jenya@MBP:backend $ manul -I
2016/05/11 08:31:51 skipping github.com/astaxie/beego, already vendored
2016/05/11 08:31:51 skipping github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go, already vendored
2016/05/11 08:31:51 adding submodule for github.com/demo/abc   <---<<<

Thank you!

@ramboza oh, thank you for the ticket, it's wrong behavior and I'll fix it soon.