
Suggestion for a new icon

hristost opened this issue · 9 comments

Hello! I use kitty a lot and took the time to sketch a new icon that fits better among other apps I use. It is a kitty sitting on a ADM-3A terminal's keyboard.

I've licensed it under the same license as kitty, so you are free to merge it if you wish. Currently, I only have it as an .afdesign source file, but I'm happy to try exporting to something more accessible if more people are interested.

Proposed icon

Here is a link to the repository: https://github.com/hristost/kitty-alternative-icon

Thanks, looks cool. However, as I have explained elsewhere, the kitty
logo has special significance for me. I drew it when my cat of 9 years
went missing, as a tribute. As such I am not going to change it.

But I will say your version is my favorite alternative logo so far :)

I actually love the current kitty icon! Only thing I would change for macOS is putting it inside of a squircle to match the Big Sur style :)

I tried out an automated tool for this (https://github.com/rikumi/iconsur), fits much better already :)

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-09 um 2 46 02 PM

You are welcome to send a PR to change the icon on macOS to one inside a squircle. First add a kitty-macos.svg icon with the squircle in logo/. Then modify logo/make.py to use it to generate kitty.iconset. That should be all you need to do.

The current Big Sur icon is a little bit too large. If there is a way to shrink it a little bit, I would try to help.

This has already been fixed, see #3547.

Missed that one, thank you @Luflosi ! I suppose I have to wait for a new release then. I'm on v0.20.2.

So it the icon never going to get a revision because of the sentimental aspect to the current one? No offense, but at some-point a professionally designed logo will help with the marketability and brand for this open source project.