
Property-based tests generate invalid TOML keys occasionally

roberth opened this issue · 3 comments

I've found this test failure in CI. Perhaps it hasn't been seen before, because of the random nature of property tests.

Log excerpt
  1) Codec: unit and property tests for bidirectional codecs, Combinator spec, Combinator.Map: Roundtrip tests, Map Text Int (tableMap): decode . encode ≡ id
         ✗ <interactive> failed at test/Test/Toml/Codec/Combinator/Common.hs:39:5
           after 38 tests and 10 shrinks.
              ┏━━ test/Test/Toml/Codec/Combinator/Common.hs ━━━
           28 ┃ codecRoundtripWith
           29 ┃     :: forall a
           30 ┃     .  (Eq a, Show a)
           31 ┃     => (TomlCodec a -> Text -> Either [TomlDecodeError] a)
           32 ┃     -> String
           33 ┃     -> (Key -> TomlCodec a)
           34 ┃     -> Gen a
           35 ┃     -> SpecWith (Arg Expectation)
           36 ┃ codecRoundtripWith dcode typeName mkCodec genA = it label $ hedgehog $ do
           37 ┃     a <- forAll genA
              ┃     │ fromList [ ( "\"\\\"" , 0 ) ]
           38 ┃     let codec = mkCodec "a"
           39 ┃     tripping a (encode codec) (dcode codec)
              ┃     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
              ┃     │ ━━━ Intermediate ━━━
              ┃     │ "\n[a]\n"
              ┃     │ ━━━ - Original) (+ Roundtrip ━━━
              ┃     │ - Right (fromList [ ( "\"\\\"" , 0 ) ])
              ┃     │ + Right (fromList [])
           40 ┃   where
           41 ┃     label :: String
           42 ┃     label = typeName ++ ": decode . encode ≡ id"
           This failure can be reproduced by running:
           > recheck (Size 37) (Seed 10155217494328621451 7554747479521254871) <property>

Full log: https://hercules-ci.com/accounts/github/hercules-ci/derivations/%2Fnix%2Fstore%2F7l00v2ra2yfh0rxxnfn6aar9k0m7qmxp-tomland-

The second attempt did not find the failure. The first attempt is on the same page.
It was built on an aarch64-linux machine, but I don't think that should matter.

@roberth Yes, this is a known test failure. Sometimes propery-based tests failed because the generated TOML key is invalid. In the error message, the key is \, which is an invalid TOML key. To fix this, we need to patch Key generator even further.

-- | Generate either a bare piece, or a quoted piece
genPiece :: Gen Piece
genPiece = Piece <$> Gen.choice [bare, quoted]
bare :: Gen Text
bare = liftA2 Text.cons Gen.alpha $ Gen.text (Range.constant 1 10) alphadashes
alphadashes :: Gen Char
alphadashes = Gen.choice [Gen.alphaNum, Gen.element "_-"]
quoted :: Gen Text
quoted = genNotEscape $ Gen.choice [quotedWith '"', quotedWith '\'']
quotedWith :: Char -> Gen Text
quotedWith c = wrapChar c <$> Gen.text (Range.constant 1 10) notControl
notControl :: Gen Char
notControl = Gen.filter (\x -> x /= c && not (Char.isControl x)) Gen.unicode
wrapChar :: Char -> Text -> Text
wrapChar c = Text.cons c . (`Text.append` Text.singleton c)
genKey :: Gen Key
genKey = Key <$> Gen.nonEmpty (Range.constant 1 10) genPiece

Is there a reason the bare generator makes sure the first character in the key is an alphabetical character? Doesn't the toml spec allow alphanumeric + dash in any position?