
quick-fix for un-sorted imports not working

HansAarneLiblik opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Re-posted from ruff github:

I'm seeing an issue with ruff and quick-fixes it offers to Intellij

I have the following file

from typing import assert_type, assert_never

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert_type(123, int)

and ruff complains about imports


When I click organize imports, it breaks the code

ffrom typing import assert_never, assert_type

f __name__ == '__main__':
    assert_type(123, int)

Executing the fix from command line works ruff . --fix

My config from pyproject.toml

profile = "black"
line_length = 120
filter_files = true

line-length = 120
target-version = "py310"
select = [
  "E",    # pycodestyle
  "W",    # pycodestyle
  "F",    # pyflakes
  "I",    # isort
  "C4",   # flake8-comprehensions
  "TID",  # flake8-tidy-imports
  • IDE: PyCharm 2023.1.2
  • OS: Mac OS 13.2.1
  • Ruff version: 0.0.269
  • Plugin version: 0.0.4

@koxudaxi - Sorry for the churn, we changed the edit columns to be one-based rather than zero-based, which is probably the cause of this discrepancy. Here's the relevant PR in the LSP: astral-sh/ruff-lsp#103.

Multiple team members noticed this at work as well. Glad it looks to be a simple fix!

I'm Sorry for my slow action.
I have released the fxied version as 0.0.16
We should wait for approval from JetBrains. After that, it will be published in the JetBrains Market.

There are binaries on the page. We can install it manually before will be published in the JetBrains Market.

It's approved.
We can install the fixed version 0.0.16 from JetBrains Market.

Works perfectly. Thank you !