
Ruff not running on Reformat Code command

kjy5 opened this issue · 18 comments

kjy5 commented

Describe the bug
With the "Run ruff when Reformat Code" option is checked, ruff format is not used over the default PyCharm formatter.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable "Run ruff when Reformat Code" and ensure a ruff executable is picked (for me it was in my local virtual environment)
  2. Use Ctrl/Command + Alt + L or the "Reformat Code" menu option to trigger a code reformat
  3. Notice that ruff was not used to reformat the code and instead the built-in PyCharm formatter was used

Expected behavior
Ruff should have been used to format the code. You can tell the difference by manually running ruff from the CLI.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Also, gif movies are recommended.

Environments (please complete the following information):

  • IDE: PyCharm Professional 2023.3
  • OS: Windows and macOS
  • Ruff Version 0.1.7
  • Plugin version 0.0.27

Additional context
Python 12


I am experiencing the same issue. Here is a gif to show what is occurring.