
SSL certificate won't renew

wavelov3r opened this issue · 3 comments

Here is my config:

accept_terms: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pemm
token: abracadabratoken7423892

  • abracadabra.webredirect.org:2363
  • abracadabra.webredirect.org
    aliases: []
    seconds: 300`

It's the second time i cannot reach HA and have to manually renew certificates (so the first time happened 6 months ago)

Maybe it's because i've the port 80 closed?

You shouldn't put ports like :2363 in the domain name.

This software communicates through API with the DNS provider using a new approach called DNS-01, so Let's Encrypt looks at that instead of the ports on your Home Assistant.