

The idea behind this app is to allow user to create a secret message that will be shareable through a URL. By accessing the provided URL, another user will be able to read the created message. Then the message should be removed to be never accessed again.


The app should be a React front-end with a simple Firebase back-end. It should use Redux to keep track of the user-related data like authentication status and created secret-messages. Data should be stored in Firestore readable only through Cloud Functions that will make sure that secret-message content is ever fetched only once and then deleted.

User stories

  1. As a signed out user
    • I want to add a new secret message
    • I want to read a secret message by accessing secret message link
    • I want to sign in
    • I want to sign up
  2. As a signed in user
    • I want to add a new secret message
    • I want to read a secret message by accessing secret message link
    • I want to view secret messages created by me
    • I want to delete a secret message created by me
    • I want to sign out


  • Home („/”) - it should display purpose of the app, how it does work and encourage to create a new secret-message
  • Create a new secret-message („/app”) - it should contain components necessary for a successful secret-message creation
  • Your secret-messages („/app/your-messages”) - if user is logged in, it should display a list of created secret-messages with an ability to delete a selected secret-message. If user is not logged in, it should display a 403 Forbidden component
  • Secret message („/app/:id”) - it should check if a secret-message with such id exists. If not, it should display 404 Not found component. If it exists, it should display a warning that message will be shown only once. After complying to the rules, it should fetch a message and delete it in Firestore