
Build not using mirth.version from pom.xml

joshmc82 opened this issue · 2 comments

It appears that just updating mirth.version in pom.xml is not sufficient. I also need to set plugin.mirthVersion to match else it will always build against what is in plugin.mirthVersion

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone fresh copy of this repo
  2. Edit pom.xml in the root directory and set mirth.version to 4.1.1
  3. Save pom.xml
  4. mvn install
  5. mvn clean package
  6. navigate to target folder
  7. unzip
  8. open plugintest/plugin.xml
  9. verify mirthVersion is not 4.1.1 as expected shows the issue. mirth.version and plugin.mirthVersion are both used interchangeably.

Also note that plugin.xml ultimately accepts a comma separated list of supported MC versions. This may not be practical to map in maven though since maven wants one version to build its dependencies.

They are not interchangeable.

mirth.version specifies the mirth version you are building against when pulling the maven dependencies.

plugin.mirthVersion specifies what goes into the plugin.xml, and it will accept a comma separated list of supported MC versions.