
Items Not Updating

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I've recently implemented this binding and when I change the setpoint Item in the sitemap, I can see the thermostat change but the Item reverts back and is out of sync. Sometimes when the zone heat cycle is active, the status Item says idle. I'm wondering if there's some update timing issue.

It is hard to say what is going on in your particular case, if possible please turn on debug logging and provide log when this is happening.
The way Lennox programmed this is very strange basically you need to subscribe to thermostat messages and "pump" them out and store in the binding, I don't have control over what message thermostat decides to provide and I don't want to pump too often so not to overload network / thermostat itself, that's why update could take awhile. There are two advanced options available "Refresh Interval" is how often binding updates front end and "Pump Interval" which specifies how often binding should request new messages from the device. You can try to reduce those and see if that makes a difference.

Another issue with current implementation is that as it seems to me thermostat is loosing logon and just simply responds with empty messages. I'm currently working on the work around for this issue in attempts to detect such state and recover from it, hopefully I can provide a new version soon (sorry don't have a date yet, couple weeks). Would be great if you can test that. For now the only way to recover is to restart binding, you can do that from the console by "bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.icomforts30". If after restart it'll start working again you have this issue.

Thank you for testing, really appreciate.

I posted a DEBUG log on the openhab conversation.