
Builld failure in ubuntu

gameofwar12 opened this issue · 2 comments

while running "cargo install -f --path" command in ubuntu 19 the following error has failed the build process

error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
--> /home/mr-war/.cargo/registry/src/
260 | Self::Client(s)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
--> /home/mr-war/.cargo/registry/src/
266 | Self::Server(s)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

error: Could not compile tokio-rustls.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile sn0int v0.13.0 (/home/mr-war/BatCave/sn0int-master), intermediate artifacts can be found at /home/mr-war/BatCave/sn0int-master/target

Caused by:
build failed


Your compiler is probably too old, we recommend installing it from or using the docker image.

@kpcyrd Thanks for info