
Error: No nameserver configured

anoduck opened this issue · 3 comments

No Nameserver

Upon attempting to install modules with pkg quickstart, I am given the following error.

[-] error trying to connect: No nameserver configured

Dnscrypt-proxy is my DNS resolution provider which runs on localhost and listens on port 53, so nothing out of the ordinary.

Generating zsh completions

It would be nice to generate the zsh completions for sn0int, and the command sn0int completions zsh does generate them successfully and then dumps output on the command line. I just don't know where I am suppose to place them or how to properly set them up in .zshrc.


  • rustc --version: 1.52.1
  • cargo --version: 1.52.0
  • sn0int --version: 0.21.1
  • uname -a: OpenBSD My.Host 6.9 GENERIC.MP#72 amd64


  • Operating System/Distro: OpenBSD CURRENT
  • Installed from (source/apt/pacman/brew/docker): Both OpenBSD pkg, then source

Can you paste your /etc/resolv.conf?

For zsh completions, you can add this to your ~/.zshrc:

if [ -d ~/.zsh_completions ]; then
    fpath=(~/.zsh_completions $fpath)

Then create the folder and place your completions there:

mkdir -vp ~/.zsh_completions
sn0int completions zsh > ~/.zsh_completions/_sn0int

Hey @kpcyrd,
My first issue is now resolved, I had forgotten that I modified dhclient.conf to ignore domain-name-servers; while setting up dnscrypt-proxy. Once I commented out the line and replaced it with supersede domain-name-servers; sn0int worked like a charm.

And the completions are setup and working good.


Awesome, glad to hear that! :)