
renaming imports with `_` is unstable (see issue #48216)

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When I install sn0int: "cargo install sn0int" I get this error

error[E0658]: renaming imports with _ is unstable (see issue #48216)
--> /usr/cargo/registry/src/
16 | use image::Pixel as _;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0658.
error: Could not compile nude.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile sn0int v0.11.0, intermediate artifacts can be found at /tmp/user/0/cargo-installZwAGFZ
Caused by:
build failed

Is there anyway to solve the 'nude' build issue ?

The crate is using the Import as _ feature that was introduced in rustc 1.33.0. Please make sure your compiler is recent enough (rustc --version). If you've installed rust with rustup try rustup update.

If you've installed rust from a distro I'd be curious to know which one. :)

Thank you for reply, now I know why it doesn't compile.
I have rustc 1.32 via kali linux repositories.

I'll submit a new upgrade on their bug tracker site

hmm, kali linux tracks rust from debian testing, which is currently in freeze for the next debian release. There is a rustc upload to experimental in the ftp-master NEW queue which kali linux could use, but that would be quite a bit of work.

Hi! I have exactly the same issue (with kali too).

I've applied a patch to the nude crate but this doesn't fix the build yet since the latest version of trust-dns-proto also uses a feature that's unavailable in debian testing.

My current recommendation is either installing cargo with rustup or using the docker image.

The situation is very likely to resolve itself after the debian release freeze is over. Sorry for the issues.