rword is a golang random word generator.
Can generate words using a saved dict containing over 370_000 words.
Or you can use a custom dictionary.
For more information, see the section "How to use it" below.
You must use golang version 1.21 or higher. 0 dependencies, except for goland stdlib
package main
import (
func main() {
var g rword.RandomWord
var err error
// Create a random word generator using saved dict with 370_000+ words.
g, err = rword.NewGenerator()
if err != nil {
// Get a random word.
word := g.Get()
// Get a list of 10 random words.
words := g.GetList(10)
for _, w := range words {
// Create a random word generator using your dictionary. Dictionary is a text file, 1 line - 1 word.
// Returns an error, if dictionary is empty.
g2, err := rword.NewGeneratorWithDict("path/to/your/dict")
if err != nil {
// Get a random word.
word = g2.Get()
// Get random string with a length of 10.
s := g.GetStr(10)