
Please stop posting issues

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments

This project has been put on hold and is no longer being worked on, there are far more interesting projects to be spending the resources on right now. Any issues posted on here will have little to no support. You are a gypsy if you post anything else after this issue.

"I read the issue posting guidelines."

So what you are saying is there won't be a yalu102 final. Beta forever. Come on...
As long as Luca does not speak up on this, I'll keep on posting bugs.

Please read the guidelines before posting a issue.

Just because it isn't being worked on at the moment, it doesn't mean the issues can't be addressed later, after those interesting projects have been finished.
This is a dumb AF issue.

kpwn commented

Issues can be addressed by multiple people, not just me. And I did not put the project on hold, I just have other things to take care of that are more urgent than minor bugs in this.

@kpwn are you considering iPhone 7 support as minor lol?

@tjsreece your statement has been contradicted by @kpwn, which makes the first half of your first statement incorrect. Your third statement is just disrespectful.
If you continue on with this, you're gonna have a bad time.