
rt-copyright should autoclose wireless and resnet requests

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Create the ticket.

my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
rt => $rt,
queue => "Incidents",
subject => $subject,
cf => {
'Risk Severity' => 2,
'_RTIR_Classification' => "Copyright",
'_RTIR_Constituency' => $constit
)->store(text => $rttext);
print "New ticket's ID is ", $ticket->id, "\n";

Submitted open. Shoot me now.

I'd like to eliminate the need for the comment in that last line. If the constituency is ResNet or if we know that the IP is in the wireless range, either close the ticket immediately, or submit it as closed (not sure if that's possible). Otherwise, the ticket should be left open.

arghghgh no github a # is a comment not a signal to

make the text big

anyway, currently it's the last stanza in the script...