
virtual void toC::Slice::resolve(): Assertion `false' failed.

edesaras opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I am trying to export BERT to C file but, unfortunately, i get the error in the title:

I am using Colab and i install onnx2c with the following snippet

import os
!apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
!git clone
!git submodule update --init
!make onnx2c

Download the model weights from Huggingface

Convert to C
!./onnx2c model.onnx > bert-base-uncased.c

Last few lines of the ONNX2C LOG:

2024-04-08 14-48-25.218 [Trace] (tryResolveNode)   Making sure node attributes are in the graph
2024-04-08 14-48-25.218 [Trace] (addTensor) Updating existing tensor: bert.embeddings.position_ids
2024-04-08 14-48-25.218 [Trace] (addTensor)   was:   bert.embeddings.position_ids:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 512 }  buffer 0x591eca27b190
2024-04-08 14-48-25.218 [Trace] (addTensor)   new:   bert.embeddings.position_ids:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 512 }  buffer 0x591eca27b190
2024-04-08 14-48-25.218 [Trace] (addTensor)   now:   bert.embeddings.position_ids:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 512 }  buffer 0x591eca27b190
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor) Updating existing tensor: /bert/embeddings/Constant_1_output_0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   was:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_1_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305660
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   new:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_1_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305660
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   now:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_1_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305660
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor) Updating existing tensor: /bert/embeddings/Unsqueeze_output_0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   was:   /bert/embeddings/Unsqueeze_output_0:  gen 1  init 0  IO 0  const 0  recurs 0  dims { 1 1 }  buffer 0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   new:   /bert/embeddings/Unsqueeze_output_0:  gen 1  init 0  IO 0  const 0  recurs 0  dims { 1 1 }  buffer 0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   now:   /bert/embeddings/Unsqueeze_output_0:  gen 1  init 0  IO 0  const 0  recurs 0  dims { 1 1 }  buffer 0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor) Updating existing tensor: /bert/embeddings/Constant_2_output_0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   was:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_2_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305d70
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   new:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_2_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305d70
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   now:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_2_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca305d70
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor) Updating existing tensor: /bert/embeddings/Constant_3_output_0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   was:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_3_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca3060a0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.219 [Trace] (addTensor)   new:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_3_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca3060a0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.322 [Trace] (addTensor)   now:   /bert/embeddings/Constant_3_output_0:  gen 1  init 1  IO 0  const 1  recurs 0  dims { 1 }  buffer 0x591eca3060a0
2024-04-08 14-48-25.322 [Trace] (tryResolveNode)    (end of attribute-input-vectors)
2024-04-08 14-48-25.322 [Trace] (tryResolveNode) Resolving node
2024-04-08 14-48-25.322 [Fatal] (resolve) Non-const inputs to Slice not handled
onnx2c: /content/onnx2c/src/nodes/slice.h:63: virtual void toC::Slice::resolve(): Assertion `false' failed.
/bin/bash: line 1:  2357 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./onnx2c model.onnx > bert-base-uncased.c


The error in the title is just a convenience when building onnx2c for debugging (easier to stop with the debugger at the problem spot), and the default logging level is a bit verbose in the debug build... The real issue is on the previous line: [Fatal] (resolve) Non-const inputs to Slice not handled.

As a general rule, onnx2c doesn't handle inference time defined tensor dimensions. This is because since the size of the tensor is not known at compile time, allocating the memory would have to be at run time, which would make the generated code less suitable for microcontrollers.

Bert seems to be a language model - run time definitions of tensor sizes is probably pretty unavoidable when doing natural language procesing. I'm afraid there is nothing much to do here - onnx2c is probably the wrong tool for this.