
Running tini with subreaper on aws lambda

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I'm trying to use tini -s on my aws lambda.
Getting this error Failed to register as child subreaper: Operation not permitted
Probably beachuse prctl(PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER) is not allowed on lambda.

Is there any workaround I can do to make this work?
PID 1 is not possible because the lambda has it's own
And prctl isn't allowed for the lambda.

Based on your description of the problem, I don't see how tini can operate within those limitations. I see a few alternative options:

  1. make your process reap its own children (i.e., don't make zombies by handling SIGCHLD)
  2. don't run long enough for zombies to matter
  3. hope that lambda's PID 1 reaps zombies