
keyed/bobril is broken

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Building fails with node v18.18.0

stefan@ubuntu-8gb-nbg1-1:~/js-framework-benchmark/frameworks/keyed/bobril$ npm install

up to date, audited 7 packages in 980ms

found 0 vulnerabilities
stefan@ubuntu-8gb-nbg1-1:~/js-framework-benchmark/frameworks/keyed/bobril$ npm run build-prod

> js-framework-benchmark-bobril@1.0.0 build-prod
> bb b -v dist

Bobril-build core running /home/stefan/.bbcore/2.8.1
Build started /home/stefan/js-framework-benchmark/frameworks/keyed/bobril
Using TypeScript version 4.9.5
Bundler phase Parse took 0.4s
Bundler phase Compress took 0.3s
Bundler phase Mangle took 0.1s
Bundler phase Print took 0.0s
Bundler created dist/a.js with 48606 chars
Error: Cannot find type definition file for ''.
  The file is in the program because:
    Entry point for implicit type library '' (2688)
Build done in 4.3s with 1 error and no warnings and has 3 files

The error persisted after remove ~/.bbcore
The framework was moved to broken-frameworks/keyed
@Bobris Can you take a look at it please?

Hi, tried to reproduce it without success (Mac and Windows only). Could you please merge #1405 and try it again if output of build will be same? Thanks a lot and sorry for this.