Workflow Webhook not work
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Bug report
Workflow Action webhook not work
Issue Description
A webhook and a Workflow have been created for the Entity Type Persons and Leads for now, not if you have tried the other Entity Types. However, the event does not reach the webhook.
Please provide as detailed information about your environment as possible.
Krayn CRM docker V2.0.4
Steps to reproduce
It is important to provide a set of clear steps to reproduce this bug.If relevant please include code samples.
1. Create Webhhok for person
2. Create Workflow to PersonCreate
3. Create a Person
Expected result
Dont Receive webhook Event o receive a error
- [Screenshots, logs or description]
Actual result
Tell us what happens instead.
- [points....]
Thank you so much for bringing this issue to our attention. I sincerely appreciate your efforts toward Krayin CRM, and we look forward to your continued responses.
Upon reviewing and analyzing the issue, we were able to reproduce it successfully. The issue has now been fixed, and I kindly request you to check the video linked below for verification.
Thank you once again for your valuable input.