
Console Errors and Broken Image When Uploading a New Profile Image in Admin Profile.

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Bug report


Console Errors and Broken Image When Uploading a New Profile Image in Admin Profile.

Issue Description

When attempting to upload and save a new profile image in the Admin Profile, the process completes with visible console errors. Additionally, instead of the updated profile image, a broken image icon is displayed. This issue disrupts the profile update functionality and creates a poor user experience.


1.Admin must be logged in.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Admin Profile -> Edit Profile.
  3. Upload a new profile image using the provided upload option.
  4. Click Save to update the profile.
  5. Observe the console for errors and check if the updated profile image appears.

Expected result

  1. The new profile image should be uploaded and displayed without any console errors.
  2. The image should render correctly in the Admin Profile section.

Actual result

  1. Console errors appear after saving the new profile image.
  2. A broken image icon is displayed instead of the uploaded profile image.




I have confirmed that there are no issues with the profile photo update. Please refer to the shared video for your reference.

Please include APP_URL in your .env file.

Also, another issue has already been raised regarding this. Link