
Milestones: Version 2.0.0

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I have tested Rich in some aspects yesterday after work and it seems there is a somewhat stable version there at the moment. I wanted to take the time and scaffold the first things I would like to do for a second version of this little nice gem.

  • Little cleanup of the code
  • Fresher design for the editor + uploader
  • Retina support
  • Add sorting and search functionality (#204)

If someone has any suggestions you should be free to just paste them in here and I will add them right away.

/cc @cec

Maybe include this #204 ? :)

We'd desperately need tests. It could possibly be done with traditionnal acceptance tests using Capybara and Poltergeist (headless browser with JS support), but maybe something like Jasmine or any other JS testing framework would be more suitable.
What do you think ?

When working on #204 I tried using the dummy app inside the test folder but after editing the Gemfile, bundling, getting an error about a missing gem, editing the Gemfile, bundling, etc. for a few times I just gave up and made this very basic dummy app to test that everything worked.

I'm sure it doesn't handle all the use cases so maybe don't use it but at least refresh the existing dummy app to ease development.