
where to ask for help? -- mailing list, stackoverflow tag, etc

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I need a little help for a problem I'm having, but I can't find anywhere to ask.

Is there a mailing list? Forum? I can't even find a relevant StackOverflow tag.

Does this project have a user community? Where do they hide?


If anyone is interested in my code problem, I posted a question to StackOverflow:
CKEditor toolbar using wrong icon file (via Rails “rich” gem)

But please respond to it over there. This issue is only about where to go for help.

Please just make a new issue on here :)

Can you double-check that link? I get a blank document.

Ruff9 commented

I have the same pb. It is well describe in the issue #162 . This issue is two years old and nobody seems to care.