
MIDI Monitor auto-select new MIDI devices

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There is currently an option to allow MIDI Monitor to open a new window when a device is connected, but I frequently reconnect the same device during testing and it would be really nice if MM would just auto-connect and start monitoring.


+1 For this! I Also frequently disconnect and connect the same device, would be awesome not to have to remember to select it quickly before I can grab MIDI off it

Hey guys! I just implemented this feature on my machine and I’ll make a pull request once I have checked for potential bugs.

Thanks for calling attention to this! This is the perfect feature for a little baby dev like me to add as my first contribution to an open source project.

Great, looking forward to it. Always happy to have help.

Brill! MM is great, but I have to restart it whenever I reboot my under-development Bluetooth MIDI device. At the moment, I need to do that about once every five minutes. Not having to do that would be sooooooo relaxing .... =)

This has finally been released in version 1.4.1. Sorry for the ridiculous delay.