
MIDI Monitor Broken in MacOS Big Sur

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This error message pops up when opening the application, MIDI Destinations then disappears as expected after receiving this error. I did reinstall and it didn't make a difference, however even once past the error message no MIDI Sources are receiving any data.

Thanks for letting me know. Not sure what's going wrong, probably some new security thing, but I'll have to fix it.

I should give up on trying to have the app install its MIDI driver when it starts up, and instead just provide an installer package. That would require a restart, but the whole process might be more reliable.

Which version of Big Sur were you using?

As of Big Sur beta 6 and 7, I'm not seeing this alert.

What I am seeing is that the "spy on output to destinations" feature doesn't work. That looks like a bug on Apple's side. I filed an issue in Feedback Assistant: FB8712999.

Never mind; I can repro the original problem now on Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta (20B5012d). Fixed in commit 48dec8d.

("Spy on output to destinations" still doesn't work, and that's still Apple's bug.)

This should now be fixed in version 1.4.1.

to add to this, for anyone who's trying to get spying to work on an older version of macOS:

  • MIDI Monitor may install its driver into the user library folder, i.e. ~/Library/Audio/MIDI Plugins, while other drivers are available in e.g. /Library/Audio/...
  • in addition, the driver may remain quarantined. the quarantine flag may be removed using xattr -d -r ...
  • moving the non-quarantined driver into the common midi drivers folder appears to fix things after a restart.(/Library/Audio/... for older macOS, e.g. Mojave etc; and ~/Library/Audio/... on newer macOS)