
v3 - Commas added in body

mparker11 opened this issue · 1 comments

I've been using v2 and when I first set it up, I remember having one comma appended to the body after mapping the assets. This was fixed by adding .join('') to the ended of the return statement.

Now after upgrading to v3, I am getting the same treatment, but this time it is appending four commas and I can't get rid of them. Basically my markup looks like this at render:

    <div id="app"></div>

Any idea what's going on?

For anyone who needs the answer to this, it was a matter of breaking down the docs' basic example. The docs said to do this inside the <body>:

${ => `<script src="${src}"></script>`)}

but I ended up having to manipulate it since it returns an array -- and an array includes commas. There is also a special check to make sure that it only grabs JS files (courtesy of docs from v2).

    Object.keys(assets).map((key) => {
         let jsAssets = assets[key].filter((src) => src.endsWith('.js'));
         let mapped = => {
             return `<script src="/${src}"></script>`
         return mapped[0]

I had been doing this for v2, but now the difference is there is an extra array in v3, thus I had to break it down to return mapped[0] rather than returning the map itself. Also, notice the join added at the end, which removes the commas from the returned array.