
Device disconnects when uploading config

faddanicolo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey guys, I don't think this is how the program was meant to be used, but I made a program with python that adds "layers" support via multiple configurations. The problem I'm having is that whenever I send a config to the device, it gets disconnected and hangs until the upload is finished. Is this some sort of rust limitation or could it be changed? Every other piece of software I've tried to program it doesn't disconnect the device.

this is fixed in here - and when @kriomant has some time, i'm sure he will pull them in

Awesome, thanks. Btw I've read somewhere that the ROM has only about 200 write cycles before it starts malfunctioning, is that true? Cause in the meantime I just mapped the keypad to f13-f18 and made a python program that remaps those keys to have multiple layers, so if changing layers would mean rewriting the ROM each time then maybe this solution would be better.

Btw I've read somewhere that the ROM has only about 200 write cycles before it starts malfunctioning, is that true?

i am not sure about that, but to be honest, i have not researched that either