
Update in Python list, sets, bool, dictionary.ipynb file

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey, @krishnaik06
The file

In this file you have explained all the data structures in python. But in the logical Operator Section you have only introduced the AND and OR operator. You should add one more NOT operator in it. Like,
print(not True)
Output - False

Hope you are getting my point.

Yes, you should add all logical operators i.e and (&) , or (|) , not (~) operator .

Hey, @krishnaik06
The file

In this file you have explained all the data structures in python. But in the logical Operator Section you have only introduced the AND and OR operator. You should add one more NOT operator in it. Like,
print(not True)
Output - False

Hope you are getting my point.

hey bro...what kind of work or job you are doing in current days........have you been become a data you'd commented on oct 2018......i'm asking this only for my personal knowledge...
listen (actually my english is not that much good......hope you will understand what i want to ask)

Hey, @krishnaik06
The file
In this file you have explained all the data structures in python. But in the logical Operator Section you have only introduced the AND and OR operator. You should add one more NOT operator in it. Like,
print(not True)
Output - False
Hope you are getting my point.

hey bro...what kind of work or job you are doing in current days........have you been become a data you'd commented on oct 2018......i'm asking this only for my personal knowledge...
listen (actually my english is not that much good......hope you will understand what i want to ask)

Linkedln :--