
Java EE - Example usage

Primary LanguageJava

demo-server: Java EE concepts

What is it?

The demo-server illustrates some common patterns i have used in previous Java EE projects:

  • DemoAPI.java

    A REST service which accepts a GET request and sends the data to be processed to a stateless EJB instance

  • DemoService.java

    A EJB whcih contains a method to push incoming requests from the API on a Redis queue

  • FileUpload.java

A servlet which accepts a file uploads and starts a batch job to process the file asynchronously

  • JobTask.java

A callable which has a method that does a blocking pop on a redis list to process any message pushed on the list. The class can be instantiated as part of a managed executor thread pool.

  • Metrics.java

A class to create and manage an instance of the Metrics library and is configured to send the stats to Graphite

  • Redis.java

A class to manage a pool of Redis instances

  • Singleton.java

On init a number of JobTasks are created and added to the executor pool. This class instantiates a timer that re-creates any job tasks that have failed. This allows the system to be resilient to unexpected failures.

System requirements

The application this project produces is designed to be run on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 or later.

All you need to build this project is Java 8.0 (Java SDK 1.8) or later and Maven 3.1.1 or later.

Build the project using command :

mvn clean package

to deploy

mvn wildfly:deploy