
Folder Derectory

  • Algorithm

    • Paradigms
      • Greedy
      • Dynamic Programming
      • Brute Force
      • Divide and Conquer
      • Back-Tracking
      • Branch & Bound
      • P, NP Problem
    • Bitwise
    • Combinatorial Search
    • Change Optimaiztion problem to decision problem
      • pruning
      • Heuristic
      • Memoization
    • Searching
      • Linear Search
      • Binary Search
      • Interpolation Search
      • Jump Search
      • Parametric Search
    • Sorting
      • Topological Sorting / 정렬 할때 특정 노드끼리 우선순위가 존재할 경우
    • String Algorithm
      • Levenshtein Distance, Edit Distance (편집 거리 알고리즘)
    • Graph Algorithms
      • BFS / 넓이 우선 탐색, 최단 거리 탐색 가능
      • DFS / 깊이 우선 탐색, 경로 추적 가능,
      • Cycle
      • Topological Sorting
      • Back-Tracking
      • Shortest path problem /
        • Single-source shortest paths / Dijkstra , Bellamn - Ford
        • All-pairs shortest paths / Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Johnson's algorithm
        • Single-Pair shortest paths /
        • Single-destination shortest paths /
      • MST -Kruscal - disjoint set, Union-find -Primm
      • A* / 게임에서 최단거리 찾을
      • Connectivity
      • Maximum Flow / Ford-Fulkerson
      • Network Flow
        • Ford-Fulkerson algorithm)
    • Pattern Searching
      • KMP / 문자열 검색 알고리즘
  • Abstract Data Type(Data Structure)

    • List
      • Linked List
    • Stack
    • Queue
    • Tree
      • BST(Binary Search Tree) / inorder traversal 시 오름차순
      • MST(Minumum Spanning Tree)
      • Segement Tree
      • Fenwik Tree(Binary index Tree)
      • Suffix Tree
        • AVL Tree / BST, RBT에 삽입 삭제 불리, 검색 유리
        • Splay Tree
        • B Tree
        • Red-Black Tree / BST, AVL에 비해 삽입 삭제 유리, 검색 불리
      • Self-Balancing BSTs
        • K Dimensional Tree
      • Trie / 문자열 탐색 알고리즘
      • Heap / 최소힙, 최대힙
    • Hashing
      • Chaning
    • Set
    • Map
    • Graph
    • Priority Queue
    • Double Ended Queue
    • Double Ended Priority Queue
  • Additional Methods

Format Example


Where to use?



  • Solved
  • Unsolved