Not working for me
Closed this issue · 5 comments
git clone
cd kanel
npx tsc
var chalk_1 = __importDefault(require("chalk"));
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /Users/jribakoff/kanel/node_modules/chalk/source/index.js from /Users/jribakoff/kanel/build/cli.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in /Users/jribakoff/kanel/build/cli.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jribakoff/kanel/build/cli.js:43:31)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jribakoff/kanel/bin/kanel:2:1) {
node -v
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance!
Turns out that Chalk 5.0.0 is a pure ESM. Since that bit is not covered by tests, it slipped through. I've downgraded chalk for now. Try pulling and see if that helps.
Thanks! One idea is to spawn a child process in jest :)
Unfortunately, even though the error was fixed I still struggle to get any output at all:
➜ kanel git:(master) ✗ ./bin/kanel
➜ kanel git:(master) ✗ ./bin/kanel --help
➜ kanel git:(master) ✗ ./bin/kanel -h
all terminate with no output or error printed to stdout or stderr as I would expect. I didn't find any docs in the readme, so I may be omitting important flags or doing something else wrong.
Hm, that's weird. Do you have a .kanelrc.js
file in the folder where you are running it?
That said, if I run ./bin/kanel --help
in my repo, I get this output:
Usage: kanel [options]
-h, --help displays help
-v, --version displays version
-c, --config path::String Use this configuration, overriding .schemalintrc.* config options
if present
Version 2.4.1
So there must be something different in your setup. Is it the same if you run node build/cli --help
@joshribakoff-sm does it work for you now?