
How to acess vip and Admin panel without using gsclib

moeed31 opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all awsome work on mod alot of hardwork can be seen on the mod. I just ran the mod and deleted all .gsx files to run the mod without sql feature. now can you please help me on how to get admin powers and can you please list all the cammands that can be used
Thanks in ADvance <3

Hi, you don't need to delete all .gsx files to remove SQL support, I assume you are running CoD4X since you needed to remove all .gsx files, prior to it gsx wouldn't even be loaded.

I would recommend keeping the .gsx and running CoD4X for your server if you are not already, there is simply much more functionalities implemented there, and all of them are useful, you can simply comment out any SQL related code, it should be easy to search it globally and comment it out, also a few lines above and below, depending on the use case, but it should be clearly visible to what it is related.

As for admin powers, you have to be more specific as there are cmd.gsc/x commands which are normally run from an adminmod, or you can call them via rcon, something like "rcon set cmd bounce: and so on, the list is already in the file, each command is its special "case: ", there are also some specific stuff in the menu responses which you can run via the openscriptmenu response console command.

Thank you got it but what should i do to add people in vip

Run the vip command via the commands in cmd.gsc.