
Generating features using APTProject issue

dnaligase opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi everyone!

I wondered if I could convert data from DeepLabCut (DLC) that I've been using to analyze side-view single mouse video to JAABA to classify the behavior. I found that it is possible to generate features using the built-in "Import from APT" option, which utilizes an APT .lbl file. So I decided to make a simple script that would convert DLC .csv to .trk (it creates and replaces pTrk and pTrkFrm variables of already existent .trk obtained from APT).

So what I do is import labels from my newly created .trk via APT, then save the project as .lbl. After that, I try to create features using the aforementioned (though the figure doesn't display correctly, as in the screenshot) and create the project. However, I'm not able to create the experiment and I run into a warning message as shown below. I see it's a pretty messy way to do it, but what is it I'm doing completely wrong here and is there any way to work with JAABA having only trajectories?

Thank you for your help,


Dear Mayank,

Thank you for your reply! Layout now looks great, and the function you proposed also works (though it uses white space delimiter by default which may cause some troubles with train data when it contains ' ' in video names, but it's quickly fixable). I guess now I should retrain the network. I'll come back as soon as it's done.

Regarding the warning window: it does display the 'OK' button, but nothing happens when clicked. My Matlab version is R2018b.

According to your reply, I assume that one .trk alone converted from .csv (containing all DLC tracks for each body part) allows generating features skipping the step of retraining in APT...? That is, in .lbl file, the way of getting which I described above, I have only labels, extracted from manually created .trk, whereas other information is missing (e.g. all trained trackers, locations of videos used for training, etc.). Is this important for using APTProject?

Kind regards,

Dear Mayank,

Here's the command window output attached. I suppose it'd be much simpler to just use APT in a way you provided.


Thanks a lot,