
Error adding exp dir for APT project

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I have been trying to use JAABA to classify behaviour for a video I have tracked using APT (DLC). The project file (.lbl), video file (.avi), and tracking file (.trk), all exist as describe here at

Now, when I make the JAABA project and add the experiment directory and after it asks me if I want to regenerate the files, I get the following error : Error adding expdir : MATLAB: structRefFromNonStruct: Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type

I might be making a very naive mistake but am not really able to identify what this might be and have tried a lot of things mentioned in the instructions above in general JAABA documentation.

Would greatly appreciate any help as to where this might be going wrong.


I experienced the same thing.
I imported the trk files from APT and when I tried to add the experiment directory, the same warning dialog popped up.
Interestingly, when the trk file had 1000 frames tracked from APT, adding directory succeeded.
When the trk file had above 30000 frames tracked from APT, it failed.
So I think it could be the matter of trk file size or something.

I hope my error could be helpful.

Oh. I didn't get the data earlier so couldn't debug it. Can you save the JAABA project file and share it. To do this, when JAABA
opens the "Change Experiment List.." window, hit "Done" without adding any
movie, and then save the project. Along with this .jab file, can you share
the movie file (.avi) and the APT output file (.trk)?

Hi Mayank,
I'm having the same issues as the others above: Dot indexing not supported. Wondering if we have found the cause? I've attached the jab, trk and trx.mat files here, or, I've attached the link to the OneDrive with the video as well. I've used motr and JAABA for years now, looking forward to adding APT to make those classifiers even better! Thanks!