
Large files in git history

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There are some large (movie) files in the git history.
The total repository has around 900MB, the repo checked out at the latest commit has only 67MB.

Full repository:

Receiving objects: 100% (16974/16974), 869.52 MiB | 8.84 MiB/s, done.

Repo at latest commit:
2,882 items, totalling 67.3 MB

These are the three largest files:

1c47759de0e4   36MiB demo/registered_trx.mat
b97df30f90aa   78MiB docs/JAABADocumentationVideo.avi
4cdac3883032  458MiB demo/movie.ufmf

Is it possible to remove these from the history, so people don't have to download almost 1GB if they clone the repository?