
Invalid property name type object when key is Buffer

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If we try to decode cbor data like this one D87982A1446E616D654361626301 we got an error 'Invalid property name type object' coz key is bytes, not the string 121([{h'6E616D65': h'616263'}, 1])

In function safeKey we must take into account that key can be Buffer. Something like that

function safeKey(key) {
	// protect against prototype pollution
	if (typeof key === 'string') return key === '__proto__' ? '__proto_' : key
	if (typeof key !== 'object' || Buffer.isBuffer(key)) return key.toString()
	// protect against expensive (DoS) string conversions
	throw new Error('Invalid property name type ' + typeof key);

Wouldn't you want to decode this as a Map instead of an object, if you want a key that is a buffer (as objects only have string keys):

let encoder = new Encoder({ mapsAsObjects: false })
let decoded = encoder.decode(Buffer.from('D87982A1446E616D654361626301', 'hex'));

wow, I probably need to dig deeper into the cbor-x code/docs :) I didn't know about this possibility, thank you Kris!