
Username attribute in constroctor not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

const bot = new TwitchBot({
  username: 'Kappa_bot',
  oauth: 'oauth:<oauthcode>',
  channels: ['anndresousa']
The username attribute isn´t working

What seems to be the problem you have? I can't seem to reproduce any errors, and the username parameter works as expected.

Please make sure you're using the latest version of the bot, or provide more code/an example of what is going wrong.

The username parameter that you pass in must be a valid Twitch account that you own, and the oauth token must be for that Twitch account. The username parameter doesn't allow you to use any name as a bot, it must be the username of an account you own.

Use this tool (sign in with the bot account) to retrieve an oauth token: