
batch events

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've noticed batch joins will cause the bot to incorrectly parse and attempt to join a nonexistent channel.

Example: Let the data be

":user1! JOIN #channel
:user2! JOIN #channel
:jtv MODE #channel +o user1"

Bot will then parse and join "#channel:user2! "

How are JOIN/PART events supposed to be handled? Do we only care about our own events? If so, should we also listen for username?

Hi @nordox - Thanks for reporting this. This was an issue with the way we parse irc JOIN events, and now it should work as expected, also see #26 (update the bot to 1.2.4 on npm).

Currently we don't support user join events (such as a user joining the channel) and just listen for the bot events (the bot itself joining/parting the channel).

You're definitely correct that we should also listen for the username, and that is what I've done in the fix.

Thanks! 👍