
Framework to create bukkit plugin (compilation time based)

Primary LanguageJava


This is a framework for help to create Bukkit plugins. All works is done at compilation time. The framework create automatically the plugin.yml, permissions.yml etc...


  • archetype maven
  • better permission management
  • unit test
  • Auto config annotation
  • documentation

How to use it

Get the source

    git clone https://github.com/kriyss/Bukkit-Plugin-Utils.git
    cd Bukkit-Plugin-Utils
    mvn clean install

Create your plugin project

From scratch

Create a new maven project and inherit from this parent :


From Archetype

// TODO After this, create the Plugin class as below :


The easiest way to generate a plugin is just putting the annotation @Plugin with the version of this one. I would try to automate the version.
The class where you put @Plugin must extends JavaPlugin. You could put what do you want on it, the Framework will take it into account.

    @Plugin(version ="0.1") // The plugin name will be 'economy'
    public class Economy extends JavaPlugin {

You can also specified the plugin name like that :

    @Plugin(name = "my_plugin", version ="0.1") // The plugin name will be 'my_plugin'
    public class Economy extends JavaPlugin {

Command Group :

A @CommandGroup is a class regrouping some commands, so you can manage permission of many commands with annotations :

  • @Admin : OP's player can use this group of command.
  • @Console : console can use this group of command.
  • @Permission : normal Player can use this command if they have good permission.
   public class RubisCommand {
      ... //some commands, you will see it later.

Command :

A @Command is a method that you can manage permission of many commands with annotations like @CommandGroup:

  • @Admin : OP's player can use this group of command.
  • @Console : console can use this group of command.
  • @Permission : normal Player can use this command if they have good permission.

Thanks to the @Command, the application will generate plugin.xml, with usage, name, description etc... All test like player is present, no null/empty passed, min, max etc, will be managed by the Framework. Like the Framework makes all at the compile time, you will can see generated code to be sure that the work is good. The CommandSender will be automatically injected.

   @Command(description = "give money to another player")
   public boolean give(CommandSender sender, @Param String player, @Param int amount){
       // your stuff
       return true;

For example this command will generate this :

        description: give money to another player
        usage: /give [player] [amount] 

More example and explanation on the Wiki