NodeJs Api Project/Template

I wanted to build a quick template on an approach to building web apis in the future

NOTE: This is not production ready code


Getting started

1 Exploring

  1. Start docker -> docker-compose up
  2. Download Postman
  3. Import collection from local postman folder
  4. Set environment to development
  5. Use the collection to view implemented apis

2. Developing

  1. Start DB Container (detached)
docker-compose up db -d
  1. Copy .env.sample to .env
cp ./.env.sample ./.env
  1. Install NPM Dependencies
npm i
  1. Set up DB (only on first run) or if you want to do a dry run
npm run db:reset
  1. Run in dev mode
npm run dev
  1. Start developing & Testing (will have to turn off npm run dev process)
npm test

Current stack

  • Express as the web server
  • Newman with postman for documentation/acceptance tests
  • Sequelize with sequelize-cli for database management
  • Supertest with mocha and chai for tdd


Inspiration (supertest + express + sequelize):