
Benchmarking pycket against some Schemes

Primary LanguageScheme

pycket-bench: Benchmarking pycket against some Schemes

Check out via

 git clone --recursive https://github.com/krono/pycket-bench.git


pycket-bench depends on

and their transitive dependencies, notably

  • git, hg, and pip
  • PyYAML, SciPy
  • A C compiler environment (cc, make and friends)


You can use the provided setup.sh to install ReBench, get Pycket and compile Gambit, Larceny, and Bigloo:

sh ./setup.sh

You have to make sure that git, hg, and Racket are already installed.

Then you should proceed to translate pycket:

# may take a while
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy
export PYPYDIR=$PWD/pypy

cd pycket
$PYPYDIR/rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit targetpycket.py

The Racket-specific benchmarks need some pretty huge input files. These are generated via the setup.sh script, or by running

cd RacketBenchmarks
racket gen-inputs.rkt

You are now set to go benchmarking.


Should the ReBench installation via pip fail, try this:

  • On Debian / Ubuntu / other Linux

    Use apt or aptitude to install ReBench perquisites (this seems to fail when relying on pip alone)

    aptitude install python-pip python-yaml python-scipy

    or your package manager equivalent.

  • On OS X

    Try pip install ReBench first or your package manager of choice (homebrew, MacPorts, Fink, …)

Running Benchmarks

Running any of this commands produces a file output/pycket.data, which is a TSV file containing the benchmark results.

Run the benchmarks statistically rigorously

sudo rebench -d -v rebench.conf

Note: Uses sudo because rebench without -N uses nice

Run the benchmarks normally but not re-niced

Use this when using sudo is not an option, but beware that increased context switches may distord the results.

rebench -N -d -v rebench.conf

Run the benchmarks quickly

These results should only serve as a rough estimation and are not statistically rigorous.

rebench -N -q -d -v rebench.conf

Run the benchmarks very quickly

This runs only Pycket and Racket and writes to output/fast.data (also a TSV file). These results should only serve as a rough estimation and are not statistically rigorous.

rebench -N -d -v rebench.conf FastBenchmark

Run a single benchmark

  • Pycket binary

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     ../bin/run-pycket -nothing ctak
  • Pycket hosted

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     PYCKET=targetpycket.py PYTHONPATH=$PYPY ../bin/run-pycket -nothing ctak
  • Racket

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     ../bin/run-racket -nothing ctak
  • Gambit

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     ../bin/run-gambit -nothing ctak
  • Larceny

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     ../bin/run-larceny -nothing ctak
  • Bigloo

     cd CrossBenchmarks
     ../bin/run-bigloo -nothing ctak

Analyze benchmarks

./analyze_benchmarks.R [output/your.tsv]


Rscript ./analyze_benchmarks.R [output/your.tsv]

If no argument is given, it defaults to output/current.tsv, which could be a convenient symlink.