
Traversal Example

ThomasKrenn opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello Matthias,
first off, I wanted to compliment you on the project you have created.
To help new users understand the concepts it be nice if you could provide an traveral example for the tutorial_data.
E.g. Show all Stations for Line something

Best regards

Hi Thomas,

thanks, always nice to get compliments :-)

In the tutorial ( is the following example:

We can see which stations are on the "Circle Line" by traversing the graph. Run a lookup query:

lookup Line "3" traverse Line:StationOnLine:Member:Station end

Following on there are a few more examples. Is that what you were looking for ?

I assume the existing example in the tutorial was sufficient. If not please reopen. Thanks.

Hello Elias,
thanks for your response.
Please add the tutorial to the "Further Reading" section.

Best regards