
Why the JS file?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

hmil commented

Hi, I was wondering why you are defining your main file as js instead of json? I believe you only use js to extend tslint-microsoft-contrib and tslint-sonarts. Then why not just "extend" those libs the same way a user would extend yours, from json?

I don't want to fully extend these other rulesets since I just want hand pick couple of rules. Otherwise I would need to explicitly switch off some rules which will be hard to maintain.

I didn't find a way to do this without specifying rulesDirectory and thus I needed to get the first path.

Is using .js file causing any problems for you?

hmil commented

Oh ok it makes sense.
It is not causing any problem, I was just surprised to find a JS file in this project and curious to know the reason why. If anything, you could abuse the node resolution algorithm and specify this for instance to stick to json: "rulesDirectory": [ "tslint-sonarts/lib/rules/useTypeAliasRule" , "tslint-microsoft-contrib"]... But I'm not sure it'd be worth the trouble.