Instrutions for compiling QT / QML modile device UIs


There are the following three repositories:

The asteroid-launcher is based on glacier-home, which is based on lipstick ( and wayland.

All of these can run on the postmarketOS ( and in fact are already bundled.

I want to be able to modify them, compile and run to test the changes.


  1. There is a machine with a fresh ubuntu installation
  2. There is a mobile device running the postmarketOS (Alpine based linux distro for mobile devices).


The task is to create an MD file with a step by step instructions, describing:

  1. Which packages need to be installed on ubuntu with detailed description on how to install them.

    For examlple if a build-essential or cmake package is required the MD file should say:

    Next install the cmake and build-essential packages with the following command:

      sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake

    It could also briefly describe what does each package do.

  2. Which dependencies need to be downloaded or cloned (with links) and compiled and installed, with detailed description of how to compile them.

    For example if a dependency needs to be compiled manually the MD file should say:

    Next download, compile and install the example package:

      git clone
      cd example
      cmake .
      make install
  3. How to cross-compile these to be able to run on the postmarketOS and deploy

End result

In the end I would like to be able to start a fresh ubuntu machine, follow the instructions created and then clone each of the tree mentioned repositories, compile and run them, as well as cross-compile them and deploy to the mobile device and run them on the postmarketOS.

The work is started in the file, which can serve as a starting point.