
Just wanted...

Closed this issue · 23 comments

to say hi and thank you!
Just installed your app on my LineageOS 16 phone and it is working :)!
Used Domoticz app until now but got tired of Play Services warning (do not have them on my phone). Great to see you started this app without Google stuff!
How can I support you going forward?

Hi! Thank you for the feedback!
I started the project mainly for myself and my family - we needed a fast, lightweight app(opposite to domoticz web client) just to control the switches and restart the raspberry over ssh if something goes wrong with raspberry.
I'm pleasantly surprised that someone is using the app just two weeks after I released first working builds.

When it comes to my plans with the app in the future, I think now the most important things are:

  • releasing app to F-Droid
  • supporting domoticz user accounts
  • supporting https connection (but for this to be tested, I need to configure my domoticz to support this)
    I'm also going to replace fuel with retrofit or at least check how does it fit into the app because I want to learn how to use the library.

I have a Trello board with some to-do list:
I will add it to readme file as soon as I clean it up a little bit.
If you feel like it, feel free to create pull requests with those solved.

If you have your own ideas about the app(functionality, UI changes, some graphics) - please, share them, I will be happy to see your point of view.

But until the end of February I'm pretty busy writing my BS thesis so until then the project may stagnate a little bit.

Hi again,

I just had a little bit more time to use the app.
A couple of tipps:

  1. I have a lot of different arts of devices in Domoticz (switches, push on buttons, multiselector switches etc.). Right now all this different devices are shown as simple switches. It would be great to at least be able to have multiselector switches and push on buttons.
  2. For the SSH you only have a field for password. Which username is used? Is it possible to implement the ssh with the private/public key? This is how I have it :).
  3. I have different Raspis doing different stuff in the house. It would be a great thing to also have a possibility to add different ssh hosts for the reset command.


Thank you!

  1. Yeah, this one is definitely on the todo list!
  2. Default username 'pi' is used for now. I'll add possibility to change it.
  3. Okay, I can see how this can be useful. For me it's low priority but it'll be added some time in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll note them down. And as I said, I'll be back in a project after the end of February.

I added your German translation to the next release. I also allowed changing the ssh username, implemented sorting and Selector Switch. That last one took a little bit tinkering to have it the same way as on web version but it looks like it's finally working well. Check it out and let me know :)

Hmm, ok, I was able to reproduce it. Weird, but it happens only in release build... I'll fix it tomorrow.

Okay, I re-uploaded the apk file with fixed proguard rules.

Sorry, I can't see it. I think, if you want to attach files, you need to do it via web GitHub client, not by email.

It's too little information for me to fix that. I can't reproduce this error so I need at least a stacktrace.
I uploaded a new release (0.3.2) which features logging. Recent logs can be accessed from the top menu in statusbar.
Just send me the log here or to
I hope I would be able to figure something out of it. If not, I would need to try it on my phone with your example response from http://domoticz:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=lights&used=true&order=Name

Thanks. I went through various possibilities and it looks like the only way for this to happen is that one or more of your switches has no SwitchType field at all. I didn't think it was possible. I will post a fixed version later today.

I have scenes and virtual switches too and they work well. Maybe domoticz is returning something else as a switch... I'll just configure it to ignore these without a switch type and it will work fine.

Anyway, for future debugging, if you are okay with sharing your switches data with me, you can go to http://domoticz:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=lights&used=true&order=Name (or equivalent location), save it to a file and send it to my email. The output contains all switch names, types and their possible values. The same data my app is parsing to display them. I would be able to fix future problems more quickly and test the app on your data.

Thanks, I'll look into this and see how the app works with your data. The scenes will also be displayed.

I hope everything is fixed in todays release. Domoticz groups and scenes are also supported.